3 Churches, 4 Services, and a Water Park

Sunday, July 5Good Morning from Lima!Our day started off with..... COFFEE (for some of us) and a yummy breakfast here at the hotel. The team - minus our fearless... and now sick medic, Gene - headed out for the first of three churches services where we were promoting the family conference and getting to know the people. We mingled around and talked with people - as best we could in our broken Spanish. During the service we introduced ourselves and sang. When we finished, we were whisked off to church number 2, where we stayed for the service and got to know some of the church members afterward. steven-preachingSteven, Ruth, and Michelle stayed back at church number 2 - Steven would be preaching in their second service; Ruth and Michelle stayed for prayer support. On to church number 3 for the rest of us. At this church, Elizabeth shared with the parents some of the things we would be teaching their children. And it was back to church number 2, for service number 4. Confused? Me too. =) We arrived at the church just as Steven was starting his message about the family and how to build character. I love being in other countries and seeing the different ways our Christian brothers and sisters worship God.fountainThe afternoon was spent enjoying a yummy lunch and relaxing back at the hotel. Later in the evening, the team went to a "Water Park." And no, sadly, we didn´t get to go down any slides. But, it was a gorgeous park filled with beautiful fountains, light shows, and the world´s tallest fountain in a public park!Go has been so good to us on this trip. I want to personally thank all of you for lifting me up (literally, for some of the team) in your prayers. I know I wouldn´t be able to go on without them! "His grace is sufficient.... His strength is made perfect in weakness." (2 Cor. 12-9)Ciao for now!Adrian - AKA.... The Walking Medical Experiment, The Aji Hater, Etc..... =)img_5036Mingling with people between services.p1150459Note from Elizabeth: I was having so much fun actually talking to people in Spanish! People in Peru are so patient - they let you ask how to say words, laughingly correct your verb tenses, and persevere through slow conversations with the Americans who so desperately want to talk with them.p1150462Bailey with a cute little girl who sat right in front of us during service #4. Hey, you don't have to speak Spanish to communicate with a baby!img_5039This gives you glimpse of the area in which we will be working this week. See all the tiny little houses on the hillsides? That's where they people in these churches live. The spiritual and physical needs here run very deep.img_1214Charlie and Steven in front of a very unusual pyramid fountainimg_1183The Fox girls - or at least their silhouettesimg_5114Walking through the tunnel of waterimg_5066A rare picture of Michelle on the other side of the camera!img_1202Gilliland girls and Ruthimg_5160Cool picture, guys!


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