Last Day in Pucallpa
"You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear much fruit, and that your fruit should remain, and whatever you ask the Father in My name, that will He give you." John 15:16Hola from the Peru 2009 team! Michelle here reporting in for Friday:-)We got to sleep in a little - that was VERY nice! Sleep is a precious commodity and treasure on missions trips, and we sure took advantage of the opportunity! Team devotions out in the cool breeze by the pool gave us a chance to slow down, and be still before God. Steven had some really good points about abiding in Christ and keeping our relationship with Him strong.After team devotions, we went shopping! A pastor from a jungle congregation had some native Pucallpa wares he wanted to display for us at the church, so we went to see the stuff and made some purchases. We walked across the street to the river afterward and decided to take a team picture. Elizabeth put her camera on a tripod on the tower railing, set the timer for 30 seconds,and RAN down the stairs to join the rest of us on the ground looking up. The security guards were watching with stern, yet amused faces, and the rest of the people around were either staring or laughing at us or both. It was fun! We were going to try to get a picture in a taxi, but a sudden downpour changed our minds.
On the bus, off to a missions school, where missionaries teach tribal people about God, about how to support themselves, and, most importantly, how to be effective spiritual leaders in their own tribes and villages. It was really neat to see what long-term missionaries can do in Peru, and got the gears in my head going for possible types of ministries if God does indeed call me to Peru for a longer period of time.
We got to go down the street a ways to another missions organization - an aviation place! These people are the only mission pilots that fly for the tribes of Peru. There used to be 4 organizations that did it, but now there is only one. They had one plane that could go anywhere in Peru (including over the high Andes Mountains), and two that just fly in the jungle areas. We got to look and sit inside the float plane, so that was cool! It was a 6-seater, and brought back to my mind the mental image I have of Nate Saint's plane that he used to carry out his ministry to the tribal groups.Off to lunch--the food was very good! Unfortunately, Adrian had an allergic reaction to something. We think it was either the yucca or the sauce. She was having trouble breathing and started shaking all over. Thank God for Gene's EMT skills. He administered an epi pen and they whisked her off to the hospital. The rest of the team sat stone still and waited and prayed. Our fearless leader (Steven) returned at last to get us and tell us Adrian would be okay! Praise the Lord, He answered our prayers!Back to the hotel to get ready for the children's program tonight. We would be minus Elizabeth and Gene, who were watching Adrian at the hospital, but the whole team pulled together and filled in, and it went well. Once Adrian was completely stabilized, Elizabeth and Gene rejoined us for the parent presentation while Ruth took care of Adrian at the hotel.
The last night of the kids' program is always crazy, yet sad, because these kids you have taught and invested might never see them again. But I trust God to take care of and guard the seeds we have planted and nurtured, and pray they will bring forth MUCH fruit for His kingdom! The kids sang for the parents, who loved it. As my camera and I snuck around firing pictures, I had to smile.
The kids...the reason we were all beat, were singing about the truth of God they had learned that week. The fruit...the reward of our so sweet. Then the church called the team up and prayed for us. I was crying...I always am. I never cease to be amazed by the LOVE and UNITY of the BODY of Christ, even through the language barrier!We cleaned up the church, packed up our stuff, and boarded the bus. It was after midnight, and we still had to pack for Lima.I love Peru! Every time I come back, it is like coming home. God is so good to bring me back! It has been a wonderful trip these first few days already! His blessings are evident everywhere we look - a wonderful team, amazing translator friends, and incredible opportunities to share about Him and let our light shine!May God be lifted up in everything we do here. Long after we have come and gone, may His truth still ring in their hearts!In Christ Alone,Michelle, for the team
Some of the buildings on the mission compound
We're still working on that team picture thing.
With our faithful translator, Demos, and a couple of the pastors with whom we have been working this week.
Lake Yarinacocha, on the edge of the mission aviation base. This is where they land their float plane when it comes back to home base.