Finally Made it to Pucallpa!

ruth-and-luggageThree cheers for a team that knows how to roll with the punches! We arrived in Lima last night around 11:00 pm. After collecting luggage, we met up with Pastor Antonio and took a quick bus ride over to his church where we left our Lima supplies and relaxed for a little while before heading back to the airport for our flight to Pucallpa. I can't tell you how good it feels to be back in Peru!After returning to the airport, that's where the adventures really started. First, we had to do some fast maneuvering of lines to flight-listmake it to our plane on time, including a run to retrieve a forgotten backpack (sorry Adrian!). Once on the plane, it seemed a good time for a quick nap. I dozed off, headed toward Pucallpa and looking forward to encountering one of those horizontal surfaces called beds. Strangely, when I woke up a while later, we were headed back toward Lima! What? How? Turned out the airport in Pucallpa was too foggy for the plane to land and we were returning to Lima to wait for better weather. How long are we going to wait? What are we going to do while waiting? No answers.After landing, we found out that we would be getting back arriving-in-pucallpaon the plane in a couple of hours for a retry. We eventually reboarded the plane with high hopes of reaching Pucallpa. Success this time! We landed and were instantly greeted with a blast of heat, humidity, and the sense of having arrived in a true third-world location. Thatched roofs and dirt roads are mixed in with paved streets and more sturdy-looking buildings.We did finally find those horizontal surfaces and a welcome nap followed. Lunch and team training have filled out afternoon hours and the team is currently prepping for our 5-day kids' program that starts tonight.On with the adventure! More reports will follow soon as we get to know the people in this fascinating, remote section of Peru.Elizabeth, writing for a very uncomplaining team of good sportsimg_0868-1Brooke and Bailey, ready to take off from LAX.img_0870Steven, Gene, and Charlie waiting around at the airport, and waiting, and waiting, and waiting...img_0879-1The lesson team: Ruth and John getting ready for tonight.


So this is Pucallpa...


On The Way to Peru!