45 More Minutes?!?

Streets of BogotaWow!! Bogota, Colombia!!!! It's so hard to believe it is finally here. The people, mountains, houses, busy streets, exhaust fumes, not being able to put a meaning with the words people are saying to you, and picking up a few phrases that I know I know but don't know what they mean!

Today we traveled to a city just outside of Bogota to teach character qualities in a school/church. We met up with our translators and climbed into the van for the 2 hour drive. This was our first chance to see the country in daylight!

Hug GoodbyeWhen we got to the church, we split into two groups, one for the younger students (4-5 years old) and the other for the older (6-8). I was with the younger group. We began by telling the crayon story about forgiveness - Steven and Krystal got to eat the crayons! When the story was over we said goodbye and moved on to the next class, but all the classrooms were empty. A teacher came running after us to explain that had combined all the classes so we could spend more time with them. Oh! Oops! Quick team creativity session. What should we teach for another 45 minutes?! Back into the classroom we marched. "Hola! We're back!" We did the Hockenstock skit on telling the truth. Afterward Steven and I both told a testimony from a time in out lives were we had lied or disobeyed and had to go back and make things right. When it was time to go the kids all crowded around and gave us a big hug.

We took a longer way back to hotel so and got to see the older Spanish-French part of the city.

We spent the rest of the afternoon resting up and unpacking before we went to El Corral, an American-type burger place, for dinner.

Rose, reporting for the team



The group teaching the older kids.


Being Bucky

The kids loved Steven's rendition of Bucky!


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Ps S

While we were working with the kids, Pastor Salazar taught their parents about character.


On the streets

After we finished teaching some of us spent time talking with the children out on the street.



Touching Broken Hearts


Micah Arrived!