The Power of Christ - 2008 Year in Review

God's transformation of the lives and hearts of both team members and the people they served was abundantly evident last year. We invite you to join us in praise, thanksgiving, and joy as the team members of 2008 testify to the power of Christ in changing their own lives through their time of international ministry.


From the day we arrived in Quito until we stepped on the plane to return home, we were with Ecuadorians. As we traveled, taught, ate, and lived together, team members learned that missions is about allowing Jesus Christ to build relationships with those of a different culture and country. As the team allowed Christ to live out His life through them, day after day, lives were touched and changed for eternity.

"As I saw Jesus and His working I began to truly see and understand His greatness." ~ Breanna Svenhard

"God brought out a side of me I had forgotten about:a passion for people who are lost and can't find their way back." ~ April Luchenbill

"I am so grateful for all that the Lord has allowed us to experience and I know I'll leave this trip having more confidence to move forward in His plans for my life." ~ Ruth Fox


A challenging schedule and long hours pushed all of us to find out exactly what God meant when He said that His strength is made perfect in our weakness. The result was a team that learned to trust God like never before. His strength overflowed in ministry to kids, teens, recovering drug addicts, and bus drivers."I don't think I realized until this trip how deep the love of God is. It has been so amazing seeing the love of God change people. The cool thing is, He used us to show His love!" ~ Kaytra Copper"The grace of God was seen all the more precious on this day. We had absolutely no strength in self, but much strength through Christ!" ~ Lorianne Barclay

"I am learning to trust in God more than is usual, and to leave my comfort zone and open up to the people around me." ~ David Fox

"There is so much joy and satisfaction in serving Jesus through international ministry. Traveling with Global Encounters has been the dream of a lifetime come true and was instrumental in confirming God's calling on my life. Seeing the Lord at work in other countries, and actually being a small part of that myself, is an incredible joy and privilege." ~ Amy Cook

"I think it's really cool how God has given me a new perspective on how much bigger the world is and how that understanding can shape my life here in the U.S. I feel like I have such a broader scope of who God is. I am really grateful to be a part of what Christ is doing. Every trip I learn Christ in a new way I never knew before. I hope that many people will have the opportunity to know and experience Jesus as I have." ~ Tim Forman


This was the team of impossibles and incredibles! What do you get when you have fifteen team members, three translators, and 500 kids? An impossible situation in need of a miracle - like the day when about 100 more kids showed up than we had anticipated when we bought the food. Many prayers went up that the food would somehow hold out. When the meal team handed the last loaf of bread to the last child, we look at each other and knew we'd seen a miracle!

"Peru was probably the most amazing experience I've ever had! God taught me so much, and He continues to teach me from that incredible trip." ~ Kailyn Reesman

"When I left for Peru, I was going for the wrong reasons, but God still used it. The people, the culture, and the team all impacted me in a way I can't even explain. It was really a starting point for me to step out of my box! Now that I look back, I would say I probably wasn't mature enough in the Lord to serve internationally, but that was the beauty of it, that God used me in my incapability and I LOVED IT!! It was a time of spiritual growth for me and I don't think a day goes by when I don't wonder at the amazingness of it." ~ Gloriel Taylor

"God's hand was at work in this trip. He had lessons in store for us, and He used us at every turn. I can look back in my mind's eye at face after face and say with deep satisfaction in my heart, that God, working through us, impacted them for eternity!" ~ Ben NicholsonCome experience for yourself the incredible joy and spiritual growth of serving internationally! Take a look at the 2009 schedule and starting planning your own Global Encounter!


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Testimony - Lorianne Barclay