School, Rice, and Skydiving
This morning we went to the Luz y Libertad Christian school here in Esmeraldas. After waiting for about an hour and playing soccer with some of the kids, our team split up into groups of four and rotated throughout the classrooms. We taught character qualities, acted out skits, and shared personal testimonies about what the Lord is doing in our lives. As I went around taking pictures and meeting some of the kids and young people I noticed something about them…they are so ready to love and be loved. The people here are so amazing. Their eyes are so beautiful and transparent… filled with expression and enthusiasm that overflows and spills out whenever I interact with them. I came here to Ecuador to be blessing to these people, but God has used them to be a blessing to me. It’s so awesome that no matter where God takes me in this world I can fellowship and worship the Lord with fellow members of the Body the Christ!
After our time at the school we had lunch at a nearby restaurant by the coast. Our poor waiter was probably totally confused by all of us Americans trying to order who-knows-what in Spanish. We all ended up getting our food. All, that is, except me, Laura, and Kathleen. They ran out of meat! However, there were plenty of leftovers so we didn’t starve or anything. The ladies of the church have been cooking dinner for us every night and it is SO good! Praise the Lord for rice, chicken, rice, beef, rice, vegetables, more rice, and did I mention rice? Ecuadorians eat lots of rice!
We rested for a little at our hotel while some went and walked on the beach. We then went back to the school for the children’s program which runs from about 7:30-10:30-ish. The kids listen well and are so responsive to the songs, verses, and stories. They especially loved the skydiving story about the importance of staying under our God-given authorities with Jacob and Liz as the amazing actors.
May I and all of us as a team continue to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit and remain surrendered to Him as we continue the work that God has prepared for us here in Ecuador. All of Him and none of me! Thanks to all for your continued prayers.
Loriann… for the team
Loriann with some of the school kids.
The children in Esmeraldas are absolutely beautiful!
Brianna, Kathleen, Adriana, and Molly teaching about truthfulness.
Michael and a bunch of our little friends.
Elizabeth had fun making friends with these girls and trying to carry on a conversation with them in Spanish.
The kids are learning the Bible verses with lots of enthusiasm.
The school where we are working. The seminar and children's program in the evening are run at this same facility.
Pictures courtesy of Christina Dickson, Laura Clawson, Loriann Hodgdon, and Elizabeth Fox.