
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

orphanI was taken captive today. We all were. My heart was captured at the “Remar” this morning. The orphanage houses approximately 40 children ranging from 1-16 years old. Each sticky little face touched a chord in my heart, and for two oh-so-brief hours I endeavored to pour as much love and attention onto them as possible. Some children were very reserved at first due to tough pasts, others claimed me as instant friends. We sang, made balloon toys, told stories, played soccer and served snacks to them. By the end even the teenagers were talking with me about their interests and hopes. I came to give but ended up receiving so much more, both love and lessons. They had so little and yet were content. One great little soccer player played his heart out, even though his shoes had no laces and kept flying off.

April at OrphanageWhen the call to leave came, my heart ached wanting to stay forever or take the children home with me. Whispering “Dios te ama” in their ear, I hugged each one goodbye, and waved through the bus window until the last one went back in the gate. The children were so precious, if only we could have stayed longer. YES my heart was captured this morning and part of it will stay in the “Remar.”

Tonight’s program went so well. I am on crafts team one and we learned how a bunch of messy dots can be turned into beautiful pictures. In same way, if we respond properly, God can use the tough times in our lives to make us into His masterpiece. In another part of the program, the children delighted in holding up signs and chanting “No Pecar” (no fishing). This was a reminder to not dwell on the past once we forgive those who have hurt us.

Love to all,

Jessica – for the team

No PecarThe kids waving their "No Fishing" signs.

Violin at orphanageMolly playing her violin for the kids.

michael at orphanage


laura c

orphanage groupThe whole group at the orphanage - team, translators, kids, pastors, missionaries...

Photos courtesy of Christina Dickson, Laura Clawson, and Jacob Matchak.


Worldwide Radio and Cotton Candy


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