Except for the Mud and Rain - 3/4/08
This is Gloriel Taylor reporting on another day in Cusco!!!!! It is really cold here and not just only at night. Today we had devotions at 9:30 then went to tour some of the city and do some SHOPPPING!! We went and visited a school at which we might do a program tomorrow. We also saw a hotel which used to be a monastery which I can’t remember the name of but cost’s $2500 a night!!! (Apparently Mel Gibson stays there when he comes through Peru.) Then we got on a tour bus and it showed us around Cusco for a hour. It was soooo pretty but we must have been up at like 13,000 feet because the air was really thin. A few people got really muddy (myself included) from running around at one place where the bus stopped. All in all it was fun. After we went back to the hotel some people got ready for tonight, other people slept, and some just sat around and talked. I think most of us are still trying to get ourselves off Lima time.
Well we went to the church to do the kids' program and, except for some slight confusion about translators at the beginning and a rain storm, it went rather smoothly. I think the kids are having fun and learning a lot! Near the end though while Daniel and Elizabeth were doing the skit they both started to black out and had to sit down! But they feel better now. Ok that’s it for now!!!! (HI!! HI!! HI!! to all of Celina and Gloriel’s friends and family!!)
Gloriel, for the Team
People reading tracts handed out by some of the team members while we were out sightseeing
Charlie with a couple of young girls dressed in traditional garb for this part of the country
On the bus for a tour of Cusco
Overlooking the city of Cusco
Christie witnessing to a couple of people in the central square
The skydiving skit by Daniel and Elizabeth