Exhausted? Not Me!

By Seth Brock, CBS Russia Team

Seth Brock with a Bible camp studentOn the twenty-hour flight to Russia, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like over there. Mind you, I'm writing this as someone who had never been to Europe, and while several of you readers have most likely been there, and everywhere else humanly possible; it was all brand new to me. What do they eat in Russia? Do they really wear those furry hats? Are Christians beheaded there? Is there a king of Russia? Is he still mad about the whole Cold War thing? These along with fifty-two bajillion other questions occupied my thoughts between naps.

My parents and I had prayed about Russia in the months prior to the trip, and we unanimously agreed that it could be an excellent time of spiritual growth for me, and a way to demonstrate to the Lord my willingness to serve Him. Fast-forward to a couple weeks into the trip and God had shown Himself faithful in more ways than I could imagine.

Those of you who have been on short-term mission trips Bible Camp in Moscowknow that, while you may sincerely desire to be a blessing to those you're serving, it is often they who bless you. This was absolutely the case with my Russia experience. I have never felt so blessed as I did while working beside the Russian children during the Bible camps.

Through the long days and short nights of the trip, I found it strange that instead of feeling emptied, I was filled. Instead of feeling spent for the Lord, I was rejuvenated. I cannot attribute this pleasant contradiction to the fact that the kids in the camps were so lovable, although they were. Instead, I believe the abnormal strength and stamina felt by my teammates and me was a direct blessing from God, and proof that we were acting in His will, fulfilling His purposes. I was, and still am, struck by the idea that God used me as an instrument to further His perfect plan.

Josiah Matchak with a Russian kidFor those of you who share my curious mind, several of my questions regarding Russia did eventually get answered: Christians do not get beheaded. There is not a king in Russia; there is a president, and yeah, he's a little touchy about the Cold War. And Russians eat potatoes. Lots of potatoes.


Merry Christmas!!!


From This Side of the Ocean