The Team
Job well done, Team!! It was a pleasure to work alongside you in Peru. You poured your time, energy, and heart into your work. I think the greatest compliments you received were from the translators who said, "Working with you was great! I've learned from the way you work with kids, but more than anything, I saw Jesus shining through your lives." You couldn't ask for higher praise than that and I want to echo it. I saw Jesus in you as you accepted difficulties (spiritual warfare, cold showers, long hours, all-night bus rides, earthquakes, "kachi-vachis"...) without complaint, rallied around team members when they were down, prayed for each other, and through it all, served with love and joyfulness. I've never seen a team that prayed for each other more. At the beginning of the trip, I was a little concerned that with so many talented, capable, outgoing people we might have a group of individuals doing their own thing because you could all have been very self-reliant. Instead, I saw you pull together as a team and rely on the Lord rather than your own strength.As you each return home and get started with whatever the Lord has on your plate for the fall, know that I will be praying for you. As you consider everything that happened in Peru, may it deepen your love for the Lord, your confidence that He is totally trustworthy, and your security in His love for you.
May you go forward from this experience with a greater understanding of who you are in Christ and with a burning desire to serve and follow the Lord wherever He leads you next. I love you guys!On behalf of all three of the team leaders, thanks for being an incredible team and for allowing Christ to work through you.Elizabeth