Experiencing Lima

Monday, August 20


These were the harmonious sounds emanating from the rooms of many Global Encounters team members this morning as we were allowed to sleep in.

Once we were all up and somewhat presentable, we made our way down to the conference room for team devotions. Our study has been on who we are in Christ. Shortly afterward, with cries of hunger and “What’s for lunch?” we all piled into our trusty bus and drove to a beautiful restaurant. Buffet was on the menu with numerous choices of salads, stews, and desserts. The restaurant was a beautiful two-story building with little waterfalls and enchanting sounds of melody flowing out of a piano as it was played. Tunes included “Singing in the Rain,” a special request from one of the team members. Everyone had an adventure in trying new and odd looking dishes; one of which included cow heart! (Needless to say, it wasn’t everyone’s favorite.)


With smiles on our faces and full bellies, it was back on the bus for an afternoon of shopping! We went to the Blue Door Market crammed with everything from clothes to electronics. We split up into little groups and began our treasure hunting. We haggled and bargained, offered prices, and found out that a Peruvian dressing room consists of hanging up a sheet in a corner.


Once we were all back together and had shown off our purchases, we headed back to the hotel with the anticipation of a pizza and movie party in Andy’s room. The pizza was delicious and the movie (The Emperor’s New Grove) was extremely appropriate for being in Peru. We shared many a laugh as we huddled on the beds or sprawled out on the floor.

As I sat watching everyone, I thought about all we had accomplished on this trip. We taught two week-long children's programs, visited two different shanty villages, handed out food and tracks, and survived an 8.0 earthquake. But as I began reminiscing, I realized that we didn’t do any of that - Christ did. He brought together a wonderful team of 24 people who were willing to be used by Him to make a difference in a country that is so open to receiving the gospel. I’m proud to have been a part of the team chosen by the Lord and pray that He will continue to use me and every single person on this team for His glory

Sara for the team


Disaster Relief Team

